My end table’s “canvas” appears to have a top and bottom such that the figurative patterns (e.g. faces, snowboarder) appear at a specific angle/orientation on the table. I have placed my table in my living room so that the leg with the power cord attached is closest to the sofa and wall. However, this results in the figurative patterns rendering at an awkward angle. Is there any way to adjust the angle / orientation for these patterns?
While exploring the app on my web browser, I've seen a section with commands for "advanced movement". Are these commands what I'm looking for?
Hi Hunter -
Through the years I developed Sisyphus, the only paths I created for it were algorithmic, and so I never "locked" Theta (the rotational axis) to always be in an absolute orientation when a path starts (it just starts wherever the prior path's end Theta position end up). It is certainly possible to change the software - and that will likely be an option in the future, since this is important for some users, such as yourself. But even without a software change, you can "force" playback of a path in a certain orientation if you're willing go "under the hood" just a bit. The key is that the orientation is always set after the table "homes" (moves until it activates sensors that confirm its in the home position of both axes). Homing happens after the table first boots, and then whenever you make a change - like playing a different playlist, or a single track. If you put your absolute-orientation track first in a new playlist (or just play it as a single track), it will always plot in the same orientation. We don't have a simple way for you to change the orientation (other than turning your table - which I understand is not ideal for you). Let me know if you're willing to do some "under the hood" stuff (a bit of math to convert how many degrees you want it to rotate and multiply that by Pi/180 to convert it to radians, and then add a single line to the start of the track file.
Hi Bruce - I wanted to belatedly add my "vote" for the addition of this feature. I now have several patterns that would benefit from explicit orientation (e.g., text-based or non-abstract). The hack you describe above sounds useful if you've carefully built a playlist that always knows its orientation and never gets interrupted, but that's not always the case.
I'm not entirely sure the best implementation. Maybe a "starting theta" setting (default is unset) for a pattern in a playlist? Users would still have to play around with the settings when stringing patterns together. If I had that setting, when I built Sandify 1-1/1-0 patterns where orientation mattered, I'd export them when possible to start from the same orientation (e.g,. the top of the circle) and then specify a starting theta in Sisyphus that positioned the patterns where I wanted it in the room.
Anyway, thanks for reading!
Now I belatedly see the "force orientation" option, so assuming that's exactly what I'm asking for, please feel free to delete either of these replies 🙂
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