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Is there anyone out here who could design a DMB “Fire Dancer” for me to download to my new table? I have Zero clue how to create anything and I don’t have a computer anymore just my iPhone ☹️  I can post a couple of different pics of how the design looks. 
  I’d also be willing to pay a “fair price” if needed. Thanks in advance. ChrisPoker😁


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I have a new table too and I've been mucking about with track creation so I decided to try my hand at this.  It was more challenging than I expected!  Translating the shape and getting the contours of the torso right was much harder than I expected.   It was a fun learning experience.

If this appeals to you let me know and I'll upload it to the community tracks.  I'm also happy to muck with it some more.  I notice it's often drawn with a circle all the way around it... that would be easy to drop in.

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Yeah Wow! That came out Awesome. I’d love it if you could upload it plz👍🏻  
did you have to do it on a computer or can it be done from an iPhone? 
masking because I’m also a NYer and would love to make a Yankees one and play around but as I mentioned I don’t have a PC anymore just an iPhone and iPad ya know. 
but Definitely Thank You for making it and I would LOVE to see it on my table😁😁

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I did this on a computer.  I can't imagine doing it on a phone but I'm sure there are iPad tools that could handle the task.  I decided to try because I thought it would be a fun learning experience and figured I could knock it out in 20-30 minutes.   HAHAHA!  Three hours later I was on like rev 9 and laughing at my optimism.

How I did it:  I dropped your image into photoshop, removed the text, and then used the selection tool to make an outline.  I stroked that outline onto a solid white background, saved the image as a PNG, and then uploaded it to Sisyphus for the Rest of Us, and then threw it at my table to see what happened.  URL for the tool:

What happened is that it looked blah, recognizable as the original but like a cheap knockoff.  I then got a big ole heaping scoop of that learning experience I wanted.  Lesson:  Rendering designs like this in sand is not just a matter of taking the original image and converting it to a format the table can process.  That marble can do amazing things but it's a crude tool an outline-- that big fat line just doesn't do fine detail.  I had to reshape her torso by hand iteratively, figuring out how different contours were rendered, and how to design something that was reminiscent of the original while actually being quite different.  The best analogy I can come up with is trying to draw this shape on a post-it note using only a big fat kindergarten crayon and you can't pick the crayon up off of the paper until you're done.

Thank you for asking for this!  It was an excellent learning project for me.  I'll upload a photo of my first try so you can see the difference.  I've submitted my final version to the community collection, and assuming it's approved you will be able to download it.  

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@Patti - Great job! Not just for the "final product," but for a great explanation of how you achieved it, and the limitations inherent to sand plotting with a sphere that you can't pick up off the sand. For completeness, here's the YouTube playlist of track composition tutorials.

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Yeah WOW Again & Thank you for uploading it. I’m gonna see if it’s in there now and try it out. There are different variations of the DMB Fire Dancer. I shoulda put up this one that I’ll show you. But I really appreciate all your work on it. 
it’s a shame because about 10-15 years ago I was Very good with Photoshop but as I’ve mentioned had several computers crash and now with iPhones and iPads. I really don’t even have a need for a PC anymore. 
or Do I!???🤔🤔🤣  
just stinks too I used to have buddies that would get my “cracked” versions of photoshop or ANY program really, but a friend recently explained. Nowadays you don’t even get a Disc. Everything is downloaded cloud based and I just can see spending hundreds on Photoshop alone. But I truly appreciate all the time and effort you put in. Here is the other version I mentioned earlier in my Rant btw

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@chrisbridgwood88 I'm certain that the simpler version could be done on an iPad.  You'd just need a drawing program that has the ability to select, stroke, do simple transformations, draw a tiny amount, and ideally create layers.  What I would recommend that you do is this:

  1. Load your image, and select the dancer
  2. Create a new layer and fill it with white (or if you can't do that erase the existing dancer.
  3. Stroke the selection from earlier with a 2-pixel wide black line.
  4. Adjust the width to be 20% wider without changing the height.
  5. Draw a connector line from the hand

Once you've done that, save it as a PNG or JPG and follow my steps above for converting it to a .thr file.  In fact, I just did exactly these steps (on a PC, because that's what I like to work on).  The attached file is what I got when I did that, and this is the result of my very first attempt.  I made the connector line too long on purpose so that it would be partially visible in the image.

@bruce Are you suggesting that there may be value in understanding what one is doing before one jumps in head-first?  What a strange concept!  Seriously, thank you for reminding me that I want to go back and finish watching them.


Bruce reacted
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Very Cool. 
   I definitely have to educate myself more, watch some YouTube vids and start playing around with different images and programs. Thank you again for taking the time to explain everything in such detail. Hopefully it will be on the Track list soon. I didn’t see it up there last night. Also hopefully sooner rather than later I will be uploading some cool stuff for the rest of the community 

Bruce reacted

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