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Sisyphus boxes and Shop Staff

pre-order status update – September, 2018

We have begun shipping pre-orders and are still on track to deliver within the 3-6 month window from the date you placed yours.

This is the first of what will be an ongoing, periodic update for people who have placed a pre-order and are waiting for their Sisyphus table to arrive.  I know it is hard to have your credit card charged in full, and then hear nothing about the status of your pre-order other than “we’re still on track to delivery in the 3-6 month window” – especially when we’re nearing the 5 month mark for some of you. My apology for not providing feedback earlier! From now on, I intend to follow the “update strategy” I used during our Kickstarter campaign – namely, informing you on a monthly basis of how things are going – both the good stuff  and the bad if we run into problems or delays.

The reason I didn’t get to this sooner is that we’ve been extremely busy since our pre-order launch nearly 5 months ago, as we move on from completing our Kickstarter fulfillment. A big part of this transition involved moving our production spaces – both adding more space and consolidating them, resulting in a far more efficient layout directly next to the main loading dock. This will greatly streamline our process.

We learned a tremendous amount from the Kickstarter experience, and have shipped over 95% of that fulfillment, the remaining being backers who have not yet responded to their survey request (part of the confirmation process before shipping), and  ~40 wood tables (these ship in wood crates, and are now going out). This remaining Kickstarter fulfillment does not interfere with the timing of your pre-order. 

Again – sorry for not updating you sooner – I will be posting monthly from now on.

Bruce Shapiro – artist / CEO, Sisyphus Industries.


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